Well the results of the this years garlic harvest were pretty much what we expected. The yield was down a bit from the previous year but considering the unusual weather conditions, we experienced a rapid temperature drop with damaging winds in March and then the heat dome of 42 C for 5 days just as it was time to harvest in July. So with all the environmental conditions this years crop endured we should probably consider that a success.
What was really exciting for us was the success of our BULBIL program. We noticed that some of the largest healthiest looking plants that yielded the largest bulbs were grown from bulbils in only two years. One of our Estonian Red plants that is 2 years from bulbil yielded a 4” bulb. 85% of next years seed crop for sale will have been grown from bulbils no more than 3 years ago.
We believe that one of the biggest things about growing GREAT GARLIC is starting with the right seed. Garlic bulbs that have been grown from bulbils have the least chance of carrying a soil borne disease or virus. Also being young and vigorous they will adapt to your own growing conditions much quicker than older well established seed. It is our plan that by 2023 and beyond 100% of our seed stock will be grown from bulbils and will never be more than 5 years from bulbil ! We look forward to next years garlic harvest.